5779: A New Season, A New Time

What is 5779?

5779 is a Hebraic calendar year, which begins at Rosh Hashanah. It is a time of joy, as well as self-reflection, as we look behind at the past year, and look ahead at the year to come—seeking God so we are made right, with wisdom and knowledge to enter our new season.

This year Rosh Hashanah, 5779, beings at sunset on September 9th, 2018 in the Gregorian calendar and continues until sunset on September 11th, 2018—with the Hebraic year, 5779, having its own unique meaning:

With each number having its own unique meaning; each year and each season has its own call and flavor. This year we are entering into God’s judgment, and while that may sound intimidating—it isn’t, for God’s love, grace, perfection, and compassion are beyond earthly understanding.

Shifting Seasons:

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: …a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted…”—Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

In this new season. As we weigh our choices and boldly enter into the new year—with our focus firmly on God—we find that this is a way we have never gone before. We have never entered into a season where God’s grace, perfection, and Godly judgment abound so strongly, with third-day power and authority. Where when we plant a Godly seed, we know it will be judged based on Godly judgment—and found pleasing to the Lord.

“…God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.”—Ecclesiastes 3:17

Sowing Into the New Year:

5779 is the unofficial conclusion of modern Israel’s 70th anniversary in the Hebraic calendar—officially concluding worldwide May 14th, 2019.

5778 was a year of the promises of God being fulfilled, a new beginning for His people. Yet, every year has its own sort of new beginning, and the judgment of this year is like a refiner’s fire—when used with expert skill, it can gently mold and shape us into our destiny.

While God could simply speak and bring everyone into His will…He does not, because He loves us too much to make us just mere puppets—He wants our love and devotion to be freely given. We don’t have to listen to our Father, but in doing so we can learn how to become doers of His Word—we can come into covenant with Him, allowing Him to take the refiner’s fire of judgement, and gently mold us into our future.

The ways we can sow into our new year and season—allowing Godly judgment to change us from the inside out—vary widely, but are all based on God’s Word. A few ways we can sow into this season are:

Fulfilling Scripture:

In the Word it says that it is to the Jew first, then to the Gentile, both blessing and cursing (see Rom. 1, 2). When we bless the Jewish people, the children and land of Israel, we are fulfilling the Word—creating one new man from the two, and therefore, peace is made (see Eph. 2:15).

Our Jewish brothers and sisters, the children of Israel, the keepers of His land… they are blessed of God. God’s first covenant was with them, and while the new covenant grafted us in, the first covenant is still active, because God does not change, nor is He a man that He should lie (see Heb. 13:8, Num. 23:19). We, therefore, in honoring God’s covenant with them and blessing them, honor God and receive in turn honor and blessings from above.

“…Because the Lord has loved Israel forever…” —1 Kings 10:9

In Amos 9 and Isaiah 35, the Word speaks of the children of Israel returning to the land promised to them by God—building up the cities and bringing the barren land to life, causing the desert to bloom like a rose with the help of their Gentile brothers and sisters. Today, at My Olive Tree we are working to fulfill prophecies such as these while honoring and blessing our Jewish brothers and sisters.

When YOU sponsor an olive tree, a grapevine, etc. through My Olive Tree, you not only fulfill biblical prophecies, you show the Jewish people the love of God, reminding them that their Gentile brothers and sisters care… AND you give blessings of love, beauty, and jobs for generations to come! You act as a light, bringing them closer to their Messiah, as you, in turn, are blessed!

“He has made everything beautiful in its time…” —Ecclesiastes 3:11

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