Baby Names and Olive Trees

Did you know that Olivia was rated as the #3 name for girls in the US in 2013? Olivia is from a Greek origin and actually means Olive Tree according to Shakespeare originally used this name for one of his characters in Twelfth Night: Countess Olivia.

In 1950 only 436 babies are recorded to have been named “Olivia” compared to 9,562 last year alone! And since the year 2000 over 115,000 babies have been named Olivia!

Oliver is the masculine form and it hasn’t caught on quite as much but it is growing. Last year Oliver ranked #52 in the US as 3,604 little baby boys were given that name compared to only 843 in in 2005. We expect to see more “Olivers” in the next few years!

At My Olive Tree we love the names Olivia and Oliver! We are passionate about olive trees in every way! And we think that naming children something meaningful is very important. Olive Trees can live for thousands of years and represent strength, provision, and peace.

They are trees of great past and present symbolism that we read about in historical literature and in future prophecy.

How did you choose your children’s names? Did you look up the meaning and origin prior to deciding? Or maybe you chose a family name…

In today’s world it seems that many parents are searching for something unique and “rare” when selecting a baby name. In fact, it seems like the more rare the better! Regardless, if you choose rare or common we encourage you to choose a name that means something and says something about your child’s destiny!

Each time you speak their name you are speaking the meaning of their name out over them and into the atmosphere. So choose a name with life and purpose behind it! Choose a name that resonates with you and speaks to your child’s future. Choose a name that represents someone you would like them to grow into and become.

Shalom from My Olive Tree!

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