Believers Leaving a Legacy

The Body of Christ is more and more actively supporting and caring for the nation of Israel, just as God has called us to do. Through support efforts, many Believers have found the immeasurable value of leaving a legacy and what it means, both personally and to the Jewish nation. In many cultures, leaving a legacy is commonplace, but it’s important to considered what legacy you want to leave behind…and why?

At My Olive Tree, we believe great blessings are bestowed upon those who leave a legacy. This is in part due to what God’s Word says about supporting His people and what’s written about leaving something for your children and family.

The most important factor, however, is that we leave a legacy that aligns with truth and for the right reasons. At My Olive Tree, you are able to leave a legacy for your family, as well as for those in the Promised Land. The decisions we make today have a great influence on the generations of tomorrow, both here and across the globe.

When thinking about this verse, parents and grandparents understand how love and care for the generations to come cannot be met with greed and selfish ambition. If this generation provides good stewardship of God’s blessings, then passing on the integrity and endurance to the next is more likely.

Seeking to leave a legacy that aligns with truth must point to the Father. Our mission at My Olive Tree is not that we glorify what we have done, but our hope is that it points a nation to God’s plan of restoration. When we care for and love the people of Israel, then they will see God’s restorative glory.

Leaving a legacy of obedience shines through in countless ways. Obedience in the Lord always glorifies Him. This legacy is a way for your children and grandchildren to see how He is alive and active.

Practical Ways to Leave a Legacy…

Through the act of obedience, we can grasp practical ways of leaving legacy. Planting a tree in the Promised Land signifies unity, peace, hope and economic growth, both to the Israel as a nation and also to your family. You are telling them that you want to be a part of the Lord’s redemptive plan for His chosen people. This allows your family to see your heart for God.

This act of humility is truly obedient. It symbolizes the desire to be good stewards of God’s land until the day of the Messiah’s return.

“So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’”—Luke 19:13

At My Olive Tree there are several opportunities to leave a lasting legacy. Do you want your family to see a legacy that bridges communities, promotes peace, crosses borders, and restores God’s Kingdom?

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