Fake Extra Virgin Olive Oil: What is the Bottom Line?

We recently wrote an article about the scandal behind Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). Many companies are selling olive oil laced with cheaper vegetable oils. [CLICK HERE] to read the article and the brands that are perpetrators. The next step is to identify if you might have misleading oil in your pantry now, and how to ensure that your purchase in the future is the real deal.

  1. Does the Label say, “Light” or “Pure”?

“Light” olive oil it is marketing concept, having nothing to do with the oil’s grade. “Light” olive oil is unregulated by any certification organization, and as a result has no criterion to what the bottle of oil should contain. These are often blended with other vegetable oils.

“Pure” olive oil is a blend of EVOO and refined olive oil. Keep in mind that “refined” olive oils have vegetable oils added and do not contain the benefits of extra-virgin.

These two oils are lighter in color and flavor because they are not high-quality extra-virgin. The label should read “extra-virgin” although this may still be a gamble if it’s the authentic product.


  1. What’s the Flavor?

Olive oil is not like fine wine; taste does not improve with age. EVOO should have a pleasant aroma, like fresh grass or vegetables. The taste is fresh with a peppery and a slightly bitter aftertaste. The fraudulent oils will have less intense flavors. They can taste “lighter” or “cleaner,” but this is misleading. The real reason that it is “cleaner” tasting is because it is not true EVOO. However, even some experts cannot taste the difference between the scam and authentic product.


  1. What’s the Date?

Olive oil keeps for about two years after the harvest date. If the olive oil in your pantry is older than that it will not have the intense flavor for which it is designed. The highest quality oil is made with olives picked at their ripest. It’s also cold pressed within 24 hours of the harvest. My Olive Tree extra-virgin olive oil is made and harvested in Israel near the Sea of Galilee. It’s harvested from the first cold press on the original day of harvest.


  1. Is it Stored in a Dark Container?

This isn’t necessarily a test, BUT it is the best way to keep your olive oil. This is another way you can know if the producer truly cares about their product. When EVOO is bottled in a light colored or plastic bottle it is exposed to light, heat or oxygen and goes rancid quicker. Therefore, a container that is dark, not allowing the elements to impact the oil, is your best bet. At My Olive Tree, we use a tin container to store our EVOO, reducing exposure to the elements. It is also in a beautifully designed tin so that it can be set out on the counter for both décor and easy accessibility.


At My Olive Tree we are committed to our product, to the people who use it, and to those who are helped through economic support and humanitarian aid projects. [CLICK HERE] to read about our mission and our humanitarian aid projects throughout the nation of Israel.

We want to promote the highest quality product along with the education on where your product is grown. [CLICK HERE] to purchase your trustworthy EVOO today!

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