Chag Sameach (Happy Holidays!) from all of us at My Olive Tree!
We have officially entered the Fall Feast season with Rosh Hashanah celebrations in full swing! Did you know that this year Rosh Hashanah is of particular importance because it actually signals the beginning of a Jubilee year!?
Rosh Hashanah—the head of the year—is the traditional Jewish New Year. It is a special time of introspection and preparation for the Days of Awe (the 10 day period between the Head of the Year

For Believers, we are entering into a season of spiritual rest in 5776, where we learn to trust God for our harvest. Human nature pushes us to plant, plant, plant… work, work, work… and do, do, do! But, in this New Year God is inviting with us to Shabbat with Him.
and the Day of Atonement—Yom Kippur). Rosh Hashanah was instituted in Leviticus 23 as “the day of sounding the shofar” and hence is also called the Feast of Trumpets.
This Head of the Year marks the beginning of the Jubilee year after a very unique Shmita year.
The Shmita year is the 7th year, or the Sabbath year, and just like the 7th day of the week, is considered Holy. It is much like the Sabbath day, in that it is a year of rest—a year to strengthen our relationship with God by communing with Him.
Not only are we in a unique Fall Feast season with the end of a Shmita year signaling the beginning of a Jubilee year, but we are also about to experience the last of four blood moons—truly amazing!
At this special time of Jubilee, every 50 years, ram’s horns are blown on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) to announce the beginning of Jubilee. This is important because during the days of Joshua, the land of Canaan was dispersed among the families and tribes, and the land permanently belonged to that tribe or family.
The land was a permanent inheritance that was given to the “LANDRY” (example) family.
You can lease it, or temporarily sell it, but ultimately the land is returned to your family during the Jubilee year. The land reverts to its original owner.
When the ram’s horn was blown on the Day of Atonement, debts were released, land was returned, and men and women were freed from slavery!
The slate was wiped clean… Isn’t that amazing!? Isn’t that profound!?
Right now we have a unique opportunity to sow a Jubilee seed. This is an opportunity for us to take one more prophetic step and decree a release.
By sponsoring an Olive Tree in Israel’s soil this Jubilee season, whether it is for your city, your county, your church or family, you are reclaiming your inheritance. These trees put roots in the ground that cannot be uprooted and are a prophetic act as a permanent spiritual inheritance.
Each tree sponsored in this season is a prophetic sign of covenant between the United States and the Nation of Israel… and YOUR family and the Nation of Israel. They will leave an eternal spiritual imprint on the land, and serve as a divine and physical link between these two great nations.
With our Jubilee My Olive Tree Sponsorships, we are claiming the two things Jubilee insured Joshua and his people: Freedom and Inheritance.
We are taking a few steps to claim our inheritance and freedom, and we are inviting you to do the same:
1. We are sponsoring trees for our 5776 Jubilee planting. We are LITERALLY putting our roots into the ground in the Holy Land—blessing Israel, and claiming that our inheritance will be released and returned.
If you feel that your family, business or ministry has been stolen from this is the year to spiritually move forward and claim that return.
2. We are giving the gift of a ram’s horn from Israel with each of our Rosh Hashanah Jubilee sponsorship's, and we are asking our sponsors to gather together and blow their ram’s horn on September 22nd, the Day of Atonement, and declare that we are free! We are no longer slaves to situations and circumstances—this is our year of freedom! We are rallying the troops!
Friends, I hope that you join us in our efforts during this significant year. This is such an important opportunity and season for us to decree a release and return for Israel, her people, our nation and our families.
So, for all of us from My Olive Tree, we wish you a Happy Rosh Hashanah celebration and a blessed Fall Feast season!
L'shanah tovah (to a good year)!
This is My Year! I Believe It! I Receive It! I am Sowing into It!
Our Mission
Our mission is to create a partnership between the Evangelical community and the nation of Israel; this partnership will produce employment, income, and revenue for humanitarian aid projects in Israel. We envision the planting of one-million olive trees over the next seven years. This relationship was prophesied in the Bible centuries ago, that the foreigners and strangers (those not of Jewish descent) would help rebuild the walls of Israel and cause the desert to bloom (Isa 35:1). Among other things, this reforestation is an environmental blessing for the entire region. May all who participate in this project be blessed body, soul and spirit; it is time for you to take root in Israel!