“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.” Exodus 20:12
Over 20,000 olive trees have been sponsored through My Olive Tree.
This Special Package Offer includes the following items with YOUR TREE SPONSORSHIP…
Save $100 and receive free domestic shipping. Hurry, this offer is limited to stock on hand and is good through Thursday June 29th.
- An Olive Tree planted in Israel attributed to the person you designate.
- My Olive Tree Certificate of Authenticity. This signed certificate in your name, or the name of a family member or loved one, includes a unique certificate number. This certificate is suitable for framing and can be displayed year-after-year as a testimony of your love and support of the nation of Israel!
- The Carmel Tallit. Our beautiful gold and white 100% Wool, Carmel Tallit is a full 24” long and 72” around the shoulders.
Olive trees have an average lifespan of 500+ years… so your tree will impact others for many generations to come!
Olive trees have an average lifespan of 500+ years… so your tree will impact others for many generations to come!
Won’t you join us in this powerful call? A call that will prove to be fruitful and blessed.