Recent Studies Show Olive Oil Helps to Slow Cognitive Decline

Cognitive DeclineSome recent studies show that the Mediterranean diet, which is traditionally rich in olive oil, helps to slow cognitive decline and the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

One of the studies was conducted on a group of 2,000 residents of New York, who, after consuming a Mediterranean diet, experienced a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Another study was conducted on 1,410 French senior citizens, with the results indicating slower levels of cognitive decline when test participants followed a Mediterranean diet.

One of the reasons for this could be the phenolic compounds found in extra virgin olive oil and nuts, which are major components of such a diet. One study published in March 2015 talks about the presence of phenols in olive oil and how such nutrients work to prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

According to that study, there are about 230 different chemical compounds found in olive oil, and the main antioxidants are phenolic compounds and carotenes. The most common phenolic compound found in olives and olive products is hydroxytyrosol, which is effective at removing some of the reactive oxygen species which are produced during periods of oxidative stress, a condition in which the body is forced to deal with more reactive oxygen than it can handle. The substance is also effective at improving defense against oxidative stress.

Over time, oxidative stress can lead to damaged DNA and various proteins in the body. There has been some speculation that it could be the precursor to diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, as well as other conditions like diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer.

There are other benefits to hydroxytyrosol beyond its ability to slow cognitive decline. It has also been shown to offer additional protections against heart diseases and to slow the growth of tumors already present in the body.

This is just one more study providing evidence to the outstanding benefits of consuming a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil. Get your high-quality oil today from My Olive Tree, and contribute to a good cause in the process. Contact us today for more information.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a partnership between the Evangelical community and the nation of Israel; this partnership will produce employment, income, and revenue for humanitarian aid projects in Israel. We envision the planting of one-million olive trees over the next seven years. This relationship was prophesied in the Bible centuries ago, that the foreigners and strangers (those not of Jewish descent) would help rebuild the walls of Israel and cause the desert to bloom (Isa 35:1). Among other things, this reforestation is an environmental blessing for the entire region. May all who participate in this project be blessed body, soul and spirit; it is time for you to take root in Israel!


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