
The Olive Tree

“The olive is tree is surely the richest gift of heaven.”—Thomas Jefferson

“The olive is tree is surely the richest gift of heaven.”—Thomas Jefferson

We have spoken at length about the versatility of the olive tree. So many people are familiar with products of the fruit alone, but the tree itself also offers a variety of astonishing resources. So, today we are celebrating the gift of the olive tree by sharing several more of its wonderful properties.

Olive Leaves…

Naturalists have long revered the olive leaf for its multiple health benefits.[i] Many claim that the extract alone has healing power including:

Olive Tree Wood…

The wood of the tree is a sturdy hardwood. The grain is uniquely spread with beautiful patterns and designs ingrained into the wood—producing high quality, one-of-a-kind products every time. Although olive trees are not necessarily tall, they can grow to be quite large in girth.

Olive Inspired…

Not only are the trees a great source of income in regions where they are grown, but also they are very beautiful in appearance. The gnarly branches of olive trees have inspired artists and writers for centuries. Here is a list of a few artists you might be familiar with, who used the olive tree as inspiration—many who went on to change the face of the art world through their innovative ideas:

At My Olive Tree we are so pleased to work with such a beneficial and inspiring product. It is a phenomenal blessing to be a part of work that brings such hope in the midst of economic adversity. Statistically the poverty level continues to rise as more and more Jewish people are making Aliyah—returning to Israel, the homeland of their people. Through generous supporters like you, we are able to plant more of these beautiful trees, and in-turn, provide work opportunities to Israeli citizens.

Through sustainable agriculture practices we are beginning to see the dry wasteland of the desert begin to blossom. Urban areas are also being transformed with projects like our Kings Valley project, where we have partnered with the city of Jerusalem to revitalize a national treasure that was once a lush a beautiful garden used solely for the great kings of Israel.

The proceeds from My Olive Tree products allow us to continue important humanitarian outreaches throughout the nation of Israel and beyond. These funds are providing homes for abandoned children, providing necessary life-saving vests for female IDF soldiers, blessing survivors of the Holocaust, providing groceries and holiday meals for the impoverished, and so much more!

If you would like to learn more about the olive tree, or the olive tree products available through My Olive Tree, [CLICK HERE].

[i] http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/health-benefits-of-olive-leaf-extract/

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