Why Do We Use Olive Oil in Soaps?

Compress with olive oil and soap

If you have browsed the products we have for sale on our website, you may have noticed that we have our own unique My Olive Tree soap, which is made in large part with the olive oil we produce from our groves. But why exactly do we use olive oil in soaps?

Olive oil has a number of natural properties that make it extremely beneficial to the skin, both when digested and applied directly to the skin.

Consists of crushed olives. Nourishes and softens the skin. Revitalizes damaged skin. For everyday use. Leaves the skin smooth and lovely. Antiseptic.

Here are a few of them:

• Rich in antioxidants. Olive oil has three main antioxidants: vitamin E, phytosterols and polyphenols. When antioxidants are applied topically, they help to protect the skin from aging prematurely. Vitamin E especially is quite beneficial in terms of avoiding aging because it protects the skin against ultraviolet light and restores a lot of the smoothness lost by wrinkles and sun spots.
• Doesn’t clog the pores. A lot of commercial moisturizers can actually damage the skin because they clog up pores and exacerbate the current conditions of the skin. Olive oil, on the other hand, digs down deeply into the skin while giving it a soothing, cleansing feeling. Many people use organic olive oil as a complete substitute to their typical moisturizer. Adding it as a base ingredient to a soap or lotion can remove the risk of pore clogs.
• Better exfoliation. Olive oil is naturally excellent for exfoliation. One natural exfoliating method is to mix a small amount of olive oil with some natural sea salt and apply it directly to the skin. Our olive oil soap uses that same sort of philosophy to help remove dead skin cells while leaving the skin looking completely reinvigorated.
• Excellent for improving overall beauty. Olive oil is also used in other beauty applications, such as nail care and as an eye makeup remover. It can also be used as an ingredient in facial masks or shaving cream. Not only is it effective, but it is extremely versatile.

For more information about our olive soaps, we encourage you to reach out and contact the team at My Olive Tree today.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a partnership between the Evangelical community and the nation of Israel; this partnership will produce employment, income, and revenue for humanitarian aid projects in Israel. We envision the planting of one-million olive trees over the next seven years. This relationship was prophesied in the Bible centuries ago, that the foreigners and strangers (those not of Jewish descent) would help rebuild the walls of Israel and cause the desert to bloom (Isa 35:1). Among other things, this reforestation is an environmental blessing for the entire region. May all who participate in this project be blessed body, soul and spirit; it is time for you to take root in Israel!


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