Why Support My Olive Tree?


There are many reasons why those of us at My Olive Tree are extremely passionate about what we do and feel so fortunate to be a part of this organization. One of the biggest is the knowledge that we are helping to fulfill a prophetic physical act in the nation of Israel.

This is also one of the biggest reasons we point to for why other people should consider lending their support to our work. Your efforts will help to fulfill the words of Amos and Isaiah from scripture. These were men of God. They weren’t just speaking words for the sake of it — they were passing down the word of God and God-breathed inspirations so that we could hear His plans for His chosen people of Israel.

When you go through the Old Testament, especially the books that were heavy on prophecy, you read a lot of passages that reveal the heart the Lord truly has for His land and His people. Even now, after all these thousands of years, He still loves us and His chosen people as much as he ever did, and he wants to see His visions for Israel achieved.

Through My Olive Tree, we all have a chance to be a part of the physical restoration of Israel, a land that has been torn apart over the years because of war, famine and despair. With every tree, grapevine and King’s Valley sponsorship, we are showing the people of Israel just how much we care about them, love them and stand by them, and show how much we believe in the land’s right to exist and flourish.

We are in a tough time right now for Israel. With political tensions running high between Israel and its neighbors, with talks of potentially harmful nuclear deals with Iran and with occasional skirmishes in the West Bank, it is, as it has been for so many years, a turbulent time in the region. We take great pride in being able to add something positive to Israel amidst all the turmoil, and we encourage you to find out more about My Olive Tree so you can help us continue to do so long into the future.

Contact us today for more information.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a partnership between the Evangelical community and the nation of Israel; this partnership will produce employment, income, and revenue for humanitarian aid projects in Israel. We envision the planting of one-million olive trees over the next seven years. This relationship was prophesied in the Bible centuries ago, that the foreigners and strangers (those not of Jewish descent) would help rebuild the walls of Israel and cause the desert to bloom (Isa 35:1). Among other things, this reforestation is an environmental blessing for the entire region. May all who participate in this project be blessed body, soul and spirit; it is time for you to take root in Israel!


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